#Introduction - André Fidalgo

Hey there.

I'm André Fidalgo and I am one of the four members making up the Lost in Space dev team. 

My main contributions to this project were most notorious in the overall game design department, specifically game balance. My aim was to achieve a great experience for all the players who play through the game and with it being somewhat difficult by nature, I wanted to make sure that it didn't get to the point of being unfair or annoying. 

To aid me in my quest to balance out the game, I could count on my experience of administrating an old Metin2 server in the past where I made sure the items and possible builds wouldn't get too overpowered as new items kept getting added on and the ingame meta evolved.

Since a young age I've also been fascinated with game design, specially the creative freedom that came with it. I found myself playing games and spending most of the time roaming around as much as possible to look at the enviroment around me, and as technology moved fowards this "hobby" of mine became even more fascinating as the graphics became more and more realistic, almost as if you're really inside the game, exploring a jungle, mining inside a cave, getting lost in the desert, etc.

To sum it up, I would like to think my experience with game design came in handy for this project and I also hope that you, the players, will find this game interesting and perhaps would like to try it out for yourselves, or actually you might've already and only now are reading this, if so, I hope you had a great time with it!

Until later,

André Fidalgo

Get Lost In Space

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